With so many broadband packages out there offering superfast download speeds of up to 8 Meg, 10 Meg and now up to 24 Mb (with
Be - sadly only available in a few areas of the UK -
you can check on the Be website whether you can get Be broadband from your exchange) it can seem like a no-brainer that anyone on a 1Mb or 2 Mb package should switch, but for one aspect...
...you've probably also heard that magic phrase
"up to" that precedes every advertised broadband package speed. There are several reasons why you may not be experiencing the advertised broadband download speed on your own broadband connection, including your distance from your BT exchange (if you have ADSL broadband), the quality of the wires going into your house, even how many people share the network connection from the exchange (the
contention ratio).
If you have an existing broadband package, you can check your broadband download and upload speeds with our
FREE broadband speed test on our website
www.ukbroadbandfinder.com. (
You can take this test as often as you like, and find out if your broadband speeds change at different times of day). You can find out more about broadband speeds in our article
How fast is your broadband... really? which includes
Five ways to turn around a slow broadband speed test result.Then you can decide whether to stick with your existing broadband package, change to a new package or broadband provider, or even try
a broadband accelerator such as ONSPEED to speed up your broadband or dial up.
By Sarah, at UK Broadband FinderLabels: broadband, free, speed test