Broadband offers from UK Broadband Finder

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

2Mb Telewest broadband 10 GBP a month

This is an amazing offer - up to 2Mb cable broadband from Telewest for only £10 per month for the first year (£17.99 per month after that).

This offer ends on 31 January 2007 so if you're interested you'll need to hurry! This offer is available to new customers and existing phone customers who do not have a broadband service. There is an installation charge of £25 for existing customers or if taken by new customers without a phone service.

There aren't that many £10 and under deals for broadband only. Often the cheapest broadband is only available if you sign up for a phone package at extra cost, eg PipexMini with Anytime Calls (Unlimited phone calls to 01 and 02 numbers) for only £6.50 per month (the phone package adds an extra £12.50 a month). The Pipex deal is excellent if you're looking for a phone package too but for those wanting broadband only, this new Telewest deal could be ideal. You can get BT Total Broadband option 1 (up to 8Mb) for only £9.95 per month but after six months it goes up to £17.99 per month.

You'll need to make sure you can get cable in your area - in the UK most urban areas have cable and you can check whether you can get it with our broadband availability checker at (It is best to check for cable broadband availability using your postcode rather than your BT phone number.)

By Sarah, at UK Broadband Finder

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